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Culturati: LIVE on AI and the Future of Work Part II.

Chris Hyams, Brett Hurt, and Shakeel Rashed return for Part II of this fascinating conversation. Since the introduction of large language models such as ChatGPT, Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the way we work -- from students in schools and universities all over the world to our workplace, and its implications for work culture are profound. This panel will explore how AI is changing the way we work, collaborate, and learn. We will discuss the benefits and challenges of AI, and how leaders can create a culture that embraces this new technology and whether we need government involvement in terms of regulations.

1. Recent advances in AI: Understand the rapid advancements in Generative AI and its integration into everyday work environments. Explore the different applications of AI, such as automation, predictive analytics, and natural language processing, and their potential to revolutionize the way we work.

2. Shaping Workplace Culture: Investigate how AI influences workplace culture, including its impact on employee engagement, collaboration, decision-making processes, and overall organizational dynamics. Examine the benefits and challenges of incorporating AI technologies into existing cultural frameworks.

3. Ethical Considerations: Delve into the ethical implications of AI at the workplace, including issues of privacy, transparency, bias, and fairness. Discuss the importance of responsible AI development, implementation, and governance to ensure that AI technologies align with organizational values and societal expectations.

4. Augmentation, Not Replacement: Explore the concept of AI as an augmentation tool rather than a replacement for human workers. Discover how AI can enhance employee productivity, creativity, and skill development, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful work experience.

5. The Human Element: Highlight the critical role of human skills in the age of AI. Discuss the importance of emotional intelligence, adaptability, and critical thinking as essential skills for employees to thrive in a technology-driven workplace. Address the potential need for upskilling and reskilling initiatives to bridge the gap between humans and AI.

6. Cultivating AI-Ready Organizations: Identify strategies for organizations to successfully navigate the integration of AI into their culture and work processes. Examine the challenges of change management, fostering a culture of trust, and ensuring effective human-AI collaboration.

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